The Big Apple in ten days

‘There are many apples on the success tree, but when you pick New York City, you pick the Big Apple. ‘

So there are many great places to vibe yourself up, nothing like New York.

I hesitated if I needed this experience, but after some gentle pushes from the closest, I decided to give it a try.

Booking the tickets, and asking for the ESTA visa was the quick part, then spent days after days memorising the city parts, the museums, the land-art features, and the suitable walking areas.

We spent two afternoons writing cards for outdoor and indoor days, the places that can be visited in one day, collected info (train timetable and connections) and decided to leave two days out of the detailed schedule to provide a place of improvisation.

And the challenge started:

  • long walks in Brooklyn, Staten Island, Coney Island, Manhatten, Central Park
  • long metro rides - from Brooklyn to the far parts of the city
  • windy ferry routes every day
  • exceptional museums MOMA, Guggenheim, Whitney,
  • had a ride to Cold Spring - Hudson River view in October
  • met friends
  • visited Cold Spring

    Daily ferry from Brooklyn Peer to Manhatten

    Brooklyn - a friendly borough to stay

    Medison Avenue

    Grand Central

    Upstate New York by train, Cold Spring

Written on November 20, 2023