Not that bad - although you have to prepare yourself

I am re-reading some books. One was the two volumes diary of Gyarmati Fanni (wife of the poet Miklos Radnoti) written between 1937-1946. Published after she died, according to her wish. Very much ‘quarantine like’ life.

The impressive quote from this book is:

“Nem tudom elképzelni, hogy ilyenek történjenek, és talán igaza lesz a szomorú viccnek, hogy a pesszimisták Ausztráliában vigadoznak, míg az optimisták a dachaui koncentrációs táborban. A mi optimizmusunk is ide vezetne egyszer?”

“I can’t imagine that happening, and maybe the sad joke will be right that pessimists are merry in Australia while optimists are in the Dachau concentration camp. Would our optimism lead here once?”

Not that bad, although losing freedom is always depressing.

Written on March 31, 2020