Coursera - why I left that course

From time to time I browse Coursera to find something to move me on or particularly interesting. Usually, it is great, I loved the courses held by MoMa, or I always try to tie the courses with my earlier studies or interest. And I am not interested to have a certificate, as I am not intending to have a job so I do not need that. This happened this September, I find a very interesting - at least for me - course on accessibility. As in early 2000, I was one of the professionals to work on the legislation in Hungary, my part was the architecture and landscape design, while others were involved from different groups more on healths and other issues. So my idea was to refresh my knowledge, see what happened in this field.

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Pandemic in the context of housing

It was almost a year ago when I had finished my latest research work on the housing situation in Hungary. I started it another year before (in 2018), and I thought this work would be helpful for the decision-makers to create a better life for their citizens.

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